We know in the market place or free sources many of them psp games emulators but they dont work good or paid
Psp game engine is a hug list on web so everybody need psp game emulator .
Some psp emulator work good but they hung up in mid stages or screen called black and in phone section they warm up phone too much high so we need a good emulator for phones and pc so you can download and play game in ppsspp emulator its tottly free of use and play in high definition screen resolution
Psp Games is mostly play in epx2 and psp3 Emulator and its equilent software and apps
Psp have more then 1000+ games list so you can chhose your passion or hobby
Download psp game emulator and its available for all platform like window | Android | MacOSX | Blackberry | Meego/Harmattan | Symbian | Pandora| Linux| PPSSPP is an open source project, licensed under the GPL 2.0 (or later). Anyone is welcome to contribute improvements to the code. Partly thanks to such contributions, PPSSPP's compatibility is steadily increasing, letting us all play our PSP games on the devices of our choice.
1.Play your PSP games in HD!
2.PPSSPP can run your PSP games on your PC in full HD resolution, and play them on Android too. It can even upscale textures that would otherwise be too blurry as they were made for the small screen of the original PSP.
3.Even on modern Android phones and tablets, you can often run at double the original resolution.
4.Enhance your experience!
5.Play in HD resolutions and more
6.Play on a tablet for big-screen mobile gaming
7.Customize on-screen touch controls or use an external controller or keyboard
8.Save and restore game state anywhere, anytime
9.Crank up the anisotropic filtering and texture scaling
10.Continue where you left off by transferring saves from your real PSP
11.Free & Open Source
Latest Update
May 27, 2017: PPSSPP 1.4.2 - more fixes
No major news, but there's been fixes:
Fix bug causing several games to crash on ARM64, including Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker
Software rendering crashfix
Fixes for homebrew: Timing, MEMSIZE

OS: window| Android |MacOSX|Blackberry|Meego/Harmattan|Symbian|Pandora|Linux|
RAM: Requirement depending on game
Video Memory: Not Required
GPU: Requirement depending on game
DX: Direct10

1.Now you just download ppsspp emulator and psp game related to your need and passion(Fighting,rpg,action,Racing etc)
2.First choose your Platform window| Android | MacOSX| Blackberry | Meego / Harmattan | Symbian | Pandora | Linux |
3.Install and extrect first
4.Open Emulator and then go to File
5.Then open Directory id you have more then 1 gameplay
if you have one or less game click Open from ms:PSP Game
6.Click on your selective game and Open
7.Enjoy your game :)
Respect or support admin please Comment or share if you kind person
PPSSPP Gold for Android

Note: Except for the icon, it's the same as the regular version, but it makes you feel good, too.
PPSSPP for Android

files from here (surf to this page and touch this button on your device, make sure that you have enabled
non-Play-Store installs):
PPSSPP for Windows

Download 1.3 zip Download 1.2.2 zip
Download 1.1.1 zip Download 1.4.2 Installer
PPSSPP Gold for Windows

Download the Gold Hack version of PPSSPP for Windows!

PPSSPP for Blackberry

using Sachesi or Chrome extension. Thanks to xsacha for doing the build.
Note! Blackberry is no longer supported.
Download 0.9.9 .bar Download 0.9.8 .bar
PPSSPP for Meego / Harmattan

Meego is no longer supported.
Download 0.9.5 .deb Daily builds
PPSSPP for Symbian

Note! Symbian is no longer supported.
Download 0.9.9 .sis
Download 0.9.8 .sis Daily builds
PPSSPP for Pandora

how to install it :) Thanks to ptitSeb.
OpenPandora repo
PPSSPP for Linux

Note that downloading from these external sites is on your own risk.
Linux builds

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